ARuVR enables Coca-Cola to transform training and empower workforce

3 November 2022

The ARuVR platform creates real life digitally immersive work scenarios to transform the way in which Coca-Cola Bepensa is able to better prepare and upskill its employees to safely navigate and mitigate risks and accidents.


On-the-job training and learning can often be a slow and error prone exercise but vitally important to demonstrate to employees the potential of hazards that can cause harm and to ensure that processes and work-flows are followed, especially within maintenance and operation departments.

Coca-Cola, always with an eye on innovation and improving quality output, wanted to change these key training challenges to drive efficiency and safely improve the overall learning experience and outcomes.

ARuVR completely changes the way AR and VR training is delivered

Currently, virtual (VR) and augmented (AR) reality is an innovative method used in large companies to simulate day-to-day operating scenarios, where a collaborator can perform in a software-created digital space. Typically these solutions require significant investment and the support of multiple specialists for their development; equally (up until now) these solutions typically only allow for one employee to be trained at a time, a huge challenge when looking to deploy AR and VR training solutions at scale.

With ARuVR however, Coca-Cola has a self-serving platform which provides intuitive software that requires no AR or VR experience to create virtual immersive work learning modules and simulate many of the processes that require comprehensive training.

The ARuVR application, available on any leading VR enterprise headset, makes the user experience for immersive learning consumption incredibly easy and intuitive for Coca-Cola employees.

“Ensuring that our staff are trained properly often involves creating potential scenarios to demonstrate hazards in the workplace. With ARuVR we are now able to safely educate and inform our employees by using an intuitive Extended Reality (XR) platform which completely removes training risk. ARuVR has transformed the way we interact, train and develop our colleagues in a safe, scalable and above all simple to operate solution,” said Jorge Suarez, Corporate Safety Leader, Bepensa Coca-Cola.

Frank Furnari, CEO & Founder of ARuVR, said: “Coca-Cola, one of the biggest brands in the world, has adopted our AR and VR platform to radically transform their learning and skills transfer processes. As a result they benefit from efficiencies delivered by a digitally immersive safe environment.”

The hard facts that ARuVR training delivered

For Coca-Cola the ARuVR platform has delivered quantifiable real outcomes, while giving employees a rewarding and engaging means to learn, upskill and improve their own performance in a 100% safe digital environment.

  • 15% increase in learning retention compared to traditional classroom training

  • 100% reduction in employee risk exposure compared to in-situ equipment and machinery process understanding

  • 75%+ increase in the efficiency to train employees

  • 80% increase in employee training engagement

  • Ability to monitor and improve results in real-time combined with live scoring and assessments

  • Significantly reduced carbon emissions compared to traditional training methods

ARuVR (formerly VRtuoso) and Coca-Cola Bepensa’s “VR Safety Training” programme was also the Winner of the Global QSA & ETA Innovation Challenge 2022 “Quality & Safety”.
Brian Muller, Global Operations Safety Director, The Coca-Cola Company, contributed to unfold the benefits and values of the solution against the five winning parameters:

  1. Truly Innovative
  2. Scalability
  3. Impact on the system/business
  4. Solving a burning need
  5. Ease of implementation

Jorge Suarez, Corporate Safety Leader, Bepensa Coca-Cola, said, “Mastering complex machinery and equipment operations in a 100% cost-effective, safe and interactive VR digital environment and at scale is a game changer for Coca-Cola.”

Moving forward Coca-Cola Bepensa will look to extend the scope of training the ARuVR platform delivers across the organisation.